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Category: Network_Auditing_Secuirty_Penetration, Auditing Guides

Title: killahdragon.txt

Description: Hacking For Newbies

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Buffer Overflows - Tutorial in German

Category: Network_Auditing_Secuirty_Penetration, Buffer Overflow

Title: Buffer Overflows - Tutorial in German

Description: Ich werde euch hier erkl?ren was ein Bufferoverflow ist,wie man sie entdeckt ob Programme anf?llig sind.Dieses Tutorials beinhaltet C quellcodes, solltet ihr daher kein C k≈nnen,werdet ihr auf Probleme stossen, ihr solltet euch einige Erfahrung in Assembler und gdb haben. ICh hab versucht es so einfach wie m≈glich zu schreiben,aber dies ist keines von diesen Tutorias, wo ihr ahnungslos anfangt zu lesen und wen ihr fe rtig wisst ihr alles.Es braucht seine Zeit bis man so etwas versteht, und ich hab mir m?he gegeben.

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Bug in PostNuke 0.62, 0.63 and 0.64 (and possibly PHPnuke)

Category: Network_Auditing_Secuirty_Penetration, Web code exploits

Title: Bug in PostNuke 0.62, 0.63 and 0.64 (and possibly PHPnuke)

Description: If an attacker knows the username and userid of a user on a PostNuked system, it is possible to log in as the user without specifying a password. By Magnus Skjegstad at

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Munga Bunga's HTTP Brute Forcer

Category: Network_Auditing_Secuirty_Penetration, Passwords / passwords protected Websites

Title: Munga Bunga's HTTP Brute Forcer

Description: Munga Bunga's HTTP Brute Forcer is a utility utilizing the HTTP protocol to brute force into any login mechanism/system that requires a username and password, on a web page (or HTML form). In simple terms, if you can access an account on the web, by entering a username and password (or more), then you can brute force into that account, using this utility.

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Category: Network_Auditing_Secuirty_Penetration, Footprinting

Title: Nettools.txt

Description: Net Tools explained - (version 2.0) - a complete revamp of the tutorial which shows how windoze can still be useful, this is an absolutely great tutorial for the newbie covering most aspects of using free tools as reconnaissance and hacking.

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